
School Uniform


Under penalty of exclusion from classes, the wearing of prescribed school uniform at school is compulsory.

LKG / UKG (Girls)      :  Orange stripe short sleeved blouse with school logo on the left pocket and deep blue checked skirts with gallis and short black tights, black shoes and black socks.

LKG / UKG (Boys)      :  Orange stripe short sleeved shirt with school logo on the left pocket and
                                        cross grey with gallis short pants, black shoes with lace and black socks.

I-V (Girls)                    :  Sky blue colour short sleeved blouse with school logo on the left sleeve and blue and white checkered pop tunic and short black tights, black shoes and black socks.

I-V (Boys)                   :  Sky blue colour short sleeved shirt with school logo on the pocket and black stripe short pants and black shoes with lace & black socks.

Std. VI-X (Girls)          :  Lavender colour half sleeved blouse with the school logo on the left sleeve deep blue checkered tunic – knee length, short black tights, black shoes and black socks. Only black hair band to be used by girls.

Std. VI – X (Boys)       :  Lavender colour half sleeved shirt with the school logo on the pocket and black checkered trousers, black leather belt, black shoes with lace & black socks.

Games and Activity Uniform : White Activa shoe with white socks and House T-shirt to be worn on PT, Games and Activity day.

Std. VI – X (Girls)        :  White skirt with house border and House T-shirt

Std. VI – X (Boys)       :  White track pant with house colour stripe and House T-shirt

WINTER UNIFORM (from November to February) is compulsory

KG to Std. V (Boys)    :  Full trouser and Xavier Ties with Navy blue sweaters with house colour   stripes should be worn. Caps of same colour to be used.

KG to Std. V (Girls)     :  Black full slacks with tie and navy blue sweaters with house colour strips. Scarf of same colour to be used.

Std. VI – X (Boys)       : Xavier ties with Navy blue Blazers with school logo on the pocket is compulsory.



  • We expect the boys to have a short hair-cut, decent hair style with hair line well above the shirt collar and a clear shaven face.
LKG-UKG(Girls)  LKG-UKG(Boys) I-V(Girls)  I-V(Boys)
Orange stripe short sleeved blouse with school symbol on the left sleeve and deep blue checkered shirts and short blacktights, black shoes and black socks.   Orange stripe short sleeved shirt with school symbol on the pocket and deep grey stripe with gallis short pants, black shoes with lace and black socks.  Blue color short sleeved blouse with school symbol on the left sleeve and red and green checkered skirts and short black tights, black shoes and black socks.  Blue color short sleeved shirt with school symbol on the pocket and deep blue stripe short pants and black shoes with lace and black socks.
 Std.6-10(Girls)  Std.6-10(Boys)  Games and Activity Uniform
 Lavender color half sleeved shirt with the school symbol on the left sleeve, deep blue checkered tunic - knee length, short black tights black shoes and black socks. Only black hair band is to be used by girls.  Lavender color half sleeved shirt with the school symbol on the pocket and black checkered trousers, black leather belt with simple buckle, black shoes with lace and black socks. White Keds and House ‘T-Shirt’ to be worn on P.T., Games and Activity day.


WINTER UNIFORM (from October to February) 




KG to Std. V  Std.VI-X
 Xavier Ties with Navy blue sweaters with house color strip should be worn.  Xavier Ties with Navy blue Blazers with school logo on the pocket compulsory.


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Xavier School, Gamharia is a unit of XITE.

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